Optimizing MetaMask Behavior: How to Prevent MetaMask from Starting on Dapp Load
As a blockchain newbie, you’re probably familiar with MetaMask’s seamless integration into your React app. But have you ever noticed that when you install a decentralized application (Dapp), the MetaMask wallet automatically starts and syncs with the blockchain? This behavior can be frustrating if you don’t want MetaMask to interfere with your user experience.
In this article, we’ll look at why MetaMask starts when a Dapp loads and give you some tips to optimize its performance.
Why does MetaMask start when a Dapp loads?
When you install a new Dapp, MetaMask is automatically configured to connect to the blockchain. This configuration is stored in the MetaMask browser extension or in the metamask.js file (if you have one). MetaMask is responsible for initializing the wallet and establishing a connection to the Ethereum network.
Why does MetaMask start when a Dapp loads?
MetaMask starts automatically when a Dapp loads because it runs in WebAssembly (WASM) mode. When you implement a WASM module, such as a JavaScript contract, in your React application, MetaMask attempts to initialize and connect to the blockchain.
If you want to prevent MetaMask from starting when a Dapp loads, you need to disable automatic initialization of the WASM module. Here’s how:
Solution 1: Disable automatic initialization using metamask.js
You can modify the metamask.js file (if you have one) to disable automatic MetaMask initialization:
const MetaMask = window.MetaMask;
if (!MetaMask) {
// Add your code here
This will prevent MetaMask from automatically starting the Dapp upload.
2. solution: disable auto-initialization with webpack configuration
Alternatively, you can configure metamask.js to disable auto-initialization when installing the WASM module using Webpack:
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: "react-hot-loader/webpack",
options: {
preload: false,
upload: true,
This configuration disables auto-initialization of WASM modules in MetaMask.
3. Solution: Configure metamask.js using a custom script
Another method is to configure the metamask.js file using a custom script that can be run before installing the Dapp:
// metamask.js (example)
const MetaMask = window.MetaMask;
if (!MetaMask) {
const config = request('./config');
if (config.startOnLoad) {
// Set the configuration here
This script can be run before installing the Dapp and will disable the automatic initialization of the MetaMask module.
By understanding why MetaMask starts when a Dapp loads and implementing one of the solutions, you can optimize its behavior and prevent it from interfering with the user experience. Be sure to experiment with different configurations to find the best way for your specific use case. Happy installation!